Tuesday, April 18, 2006

On the Move

Things are starting to pick up. And by pick up I mean pack up.
I have successfully completed my last day at Barnes and Noble, I have started my last load of laundry that needs to be packed before I can load my car, I have 2 more meetings of class and a final to take, a dishwasher to run, a house to clean, and a gas tank to fill.
My brain is as good as gone, but my body is still here.

This is really hard, especially because I'm being a jerk to my friends. Because they are going to miss me and want some quality time with me--and I just am not putting in any effort to give it to them. It's not that I'm rushing to get away from them, or that I've already forgotten--but there's just this certain level of excitement that acts as a premature catalyst to my big exit from Michigan. The byproducts being merely the echo of my goodbye--litterally just the word lacking sentiment.

When Kara went to Australia on her mission trip, and then decided to stay for the extra couple months of summer I didn't understand. I was really happy that her and Todd were building a relationship, but I was skeptical and I was confused. I was skeptical because I didn't think a summer together would even come close to balancing the rest of the year apart. And I was confused because I didn't understand how she could stay knowing she had other committments. She was going to counsel at a camp, and do something else that summer and I felt like she was really blowing her responsibilities off. I didn't understand.
The skepticism soon faded when I realized that marriage wasn't going to keep her and Todd apart for the rest of the year. It wasn't going to be a long distance relationship, it was going to be her closing the distance. Now that Australia is her home, I sure do miss her but I know that it's where she has to be.

So I'm picking up in the middle of April and moving to Oklahoma. And there's so many things I am leaving unfinished or even barely started. And as supportive as people I love are being, I don't think they can really understand. It's hard to understand that once your mind has gone somewhere else, you just can't bring it back until its ready. It's hard to understand that even though I'm leaving so much that I need and love, I can and will live without it. If I really wanted to I could make it work to stay here. But I just don't.

I'm not good with goodbyes. Maybe because I've never really said them. I've always lived my life assuming that I'll see somebody tomorrow. Even if I know I won't. I tend to not prepare for not talking to or seeing people for a couple of days. Because I guess I feel like people are there when they need to be. And if they're not there, then it means I'm okay without them.
I always end up missing people for a while, but sometimes a day and a month without talking just feel the same. And so saying goodbye doesn't mean anything other than "see you later" to me. And as long as there is tomorrow, then that's when I'll see you.


Jim MacKenzie said...

Hey Kari, If this helps, you're moving closer to us!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm the same way with good-byes. i can't wrap my mind around a permanent "i'll never see you again" and that's really an unrealistic thing in the first place, because a good-bye is just what you want it to be. see ya later sounds much better:-)

and thanks for saying that you understand some of the choices i made a couple years ago. to quote dawson's creek, sometimes in life there's no right and wrong choice, just a bunch of choices. that's where i was then, and that's where you are now.

i love you! call me if you need someone that you're NOT leaving to talk to:-)

Mark Phelps said...

What a hopeful and exciting time for you! You'll do exceptionally well, Kari. I'm very proud of you.

...and don't let MacKenzie scare you with that "closer to us" talk. [[shudder]]

Jim MacKenzie said...

Kari, who was your youth guy first, me or Phelps. Say no more. I'll give him a shudder!

Come and visit us in the mountains!

Kari said...

I think you two might need some counseling to work out this conflict.

. . .oh wait. . .

Mark Phelps said...

*So* territorial.... [rolls eyes]

Jim MacKenzie said...

Phelps, she's moving to get away from you...

But wait, aren't we supposed to be leaving some nice comments about Kari and encouraging her?

Brett, April, Caden, Corban & Eden said...

enjoy your adventure kari, we're praying for you...

Chris and Andrea Moyer said...

Kari! I am so excited for you. I know that you are going to experience a whirlwind of emotions - everything from the excitement of being somewhere new to the feeling of being alone and isolated. So, just smile and remember I'll be right around the corner, girl. Let me know when you'll be here and we'll get together. love ya!! Andrea