Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm It!

I never was a very fast runner. Either that, or I just really never had anything to run away from (er. . .from which to run away?). So I have been tagged by my first youth minister (sounds better than "old youth minister") to share 5 things you may not know about me.

1. I was expected to be little Seve Herron (named for Spanish golfer Seve Ballesteros) until I entered the world and to everyone's surprise I was a girl, according to my dad. My dad says I have a swing that people can't take lessons to mimic. I attribute it to my almost namesake.

2. I am so afraid of moths that if I see one flying around the room I will do everything in my power to ensure there is no possible way it could go into my ear short of actually leaving the room. In other words, I shrug my shoulders up, put my hands by my ears, and watch its every move.

3. My dentist has lectured me on more than one occasion about how I brush my teeth too often.

4. One summer I ate nothing but red-white-and-blue pops--some days eating as many as 5. I was very picky about it, too. I would ONLY eat the America's Choice brand (Farmer Jack store brand).

5. I have dedicated a very large portion of my summers in the past (and will continue in the future) to learning how to ride my bike with no hands. I've only succeeded once for a stretch longer than a quarter mile, but the bike was really well balanced and I later learned that it woldn't have tipped if I had two legs on one side of me. So I still am trying to learn, but my average is 4 pedals before I crash, tip over, or grab the handle bars.

Okay--I didn't say they'd be interesting.
I tag:
Blake and
Niki (except you can't read hers unless you have a myspace)


Jim MacKenzie said...

Seve, I mean Kari, I made it from a summer job to my house one time without touching the handlebars (about 3/4 of a mile) at 1:45AM until a cop pulled me over and told me he'd ticket me if he ever saw me doing that again.

I was a smart-mouth back then and my response almost landed me a ticket: "I can't believe you pulled me over for this, don't you have any real police business to do?"

Also, I did keep riding without using the handlebars. It's handuy in bike races. You never see the pros getting in trouble! Keep it up! You can do it!

Naomi said...

Actually, "away" is a preposition too, so it would be "away from which to run."

But I don't *only* read your blog to correct your grammar, I promise...