Saturday, February 03, 2007

Living in my Memories

These are just some things I like to remember.

When we were little, we used to eat Cheerios and Rice Krispies for breakfast. My dad used to let us put a spoonful of sugar in our cereal. My favorite part was drinking the milk afterward and having that grainy sugar left in the bowl. My dad used to tell us that Rice Krispies were the only cereal that talked. We'd get really close to the bowl and listen.

My mom worked from like 4am until dinnertime when we were little. My dad would pick us up from the babysitter's house and we'd go to the park. I can't honestly recall if this was just a one time occasion or if it happened more often. We would play on the swings. A white car pulled up the curb and my dad would say "that car looks really familiar. I wonder who it could be?" We would run over and it was mom! She still had on her uniform and she would come join us. The ice cream truck came--we were never allowed to get ice cream truck ice cream because it was so expensive. But this time we got to. I picked the red white and blue sno-cone. And I dropped it in the sand. My dad got really mad.

Niki and I used to fight over which one of us got to play with Kali. I don't think it ever occured to us that we could all three play at the same time. I always wanted to play church. We'd pull out the saltine crackers and medecine cups of water and try to break off the smallest piece of cracker humanly possible. It seemed like that's what the point of the cracker was--to take the smallest piece possible. I would lead singing. My favorite song was "Oh Jordan's Stormy Banks." I had the whole thing memorized--which was probably good, because I used to think that the top line of the music went with the first two verses and the bottom line went with the last two.

One Christmas, we were all at Uncle Dick and Aunt Fran's house. I was probably in kindergarten, mostly because that's how old I was when my mom made the dress I have on in all the pictures. All the cousins wanted to watch E.T. and I was scared to death of him. I thought he was so scary to look at, I sat in my cousin Geoff's lap and he covered my eyes for every scene with E.T. and I watched all the other ones. Later that evening, we went into the basement and opened presents. My grandma had gotten everybody Lee Press-On nails. Mine were red, and amazing. Niki, and a few other cousins got ones that had a snakeskin pattern on them. I traded half my nails with Niki because I felt bad that she had to get the ugly ones.

I remember the exact moment in my life that I first realized that my name was not spelled as it should be to pronounce. I was in 2nd grade, and for attendance we had these little tags that if we were in school we had to pull them off the hook and put it in the basket. That way the teachers knew who was absent by whose tag was still left hanging. I'd been reading for the past couple years, but I was just starting to get really good at it. I'd started reading Nancy Drew and The Boxcar Children. One day I went to pull my tag down and I realized that it read 'Kari.' That did not spell "Kaudi." It finally occured to me why I had to explain my name to teachers. I was devastated. I went home and begged my mom to let me change the spelling of my name. She informed me (at times like this, I think it's okay for moms to lie) that children can't change their names until they are in 3rd grade.

I had worn my dad down. We were getting a dog. He wanted a Sheltie, and had somehow convinced me that this was the best dog one could possibly own. I was sold and excited. Mom wasn't so much. We went to this old couple's house and there were three puppies. I saw the one I wanted--his name was Brutus. He was $275. That was expensive--even my 8 year old self knew that. We met the daddy dog of the puppies, his name was Skippy. His hair was gray. We went to another house, but those dogs there just weren't the same. Not to mention they were WAY more expensive. So we went back and got little "Brutus." We put him in our recycle bin that we had brought from home and went to some pet store. My mom didn't want a dog. She didn't want the hair, and didn't want to do all the work. She went in to the store--I remember thinking that it was our way of making up to her that we got a dog she didn't want. We were in the van, while she was in the store, trying to think of names for our new puppy. My dad, for some reason, had something against the name "Brutus" and couldn't wait to change the name. His only idea was Alex--for Alex Keaton from Family Ties. My dad secretly looked up to him for being a republican with hippie parents. He's been a Michael J. Fox fan ever since. My dad decided that we should let mom name the dog, to make her feel better about it. She named him Zach. He was the best dog ever.

I had a really good friend my freshman year of college. We had nothing in common. He listened to country music and drove a big red suburban. He took good notes in psychology, however, and I was really dumb in the subject. He somehow convinced me that it was a good idea to go roller blading with him and it soon became a nightly event. We would go almost every night at 10 and we'd get in his truck and drive to the parking lot behind the Rochester Hills public library and roller blade all through the downtown area. It was great fun--my first college friend and we knew almost everything about each other. It was very comforting. When it got too icy to roller blade, we would still go on our nightly adventures. We went to Meijer and bought some vanilla ice cream (the best flavor, clearly) and went underneath this bridge downtown and we sat and ate our ice cream. We shared a pair of mittens and took our shoes off and put our feet in the freezing Clinton River. I haven't had a friend like that since him. Sometimes I don't think I ever will.

I left Michigan, on my own withouth my family, for the first time in April. I had my car packed up with everything I needed that would fit and I was moveing to Oklahoma. I waited until my parents were gone for spring break before I left--because I knew if I waited until they were back I wouldn't have left. We met in Effingham, Illinois as they were driving back up to Michigan. When I left that morning, I was the fursthest from home I'd ever been, with no plans of going back anytime soon. I was driving through Missouri, listening to a CD of my friend Eric's favorite songs that he'd made for me. The song went,
a song for when you go
to keep you company
a song for when you go
far away from me
a song for when you go to California
west of the city lights, across America
a song for when you go out on the interstate
under the power lines
I knew I wasn't going to California, but the truth was that I realized that I was gone. It was the strangest feeling. And I missed my friend. And I knew it wasn't going to be the same anymore. But that feeling of fear, expectation, lonliness, hope, and freedom is one that I will never forget.

I wish I had more pictures of my mom but she always would rather take them.


Unknown said...

this is a really good post. i like reading it, and it was fun because i can imagine the way you would say it in person. my heart hurts for you because of the roller-blading-ice-cream-eating best friend part--i would fix that for you if i could. anyway, i love you. thanks for the stories!

Tim said...

Hi Kari,

I enjoyed reading your post, made me feel sentimental about some stuff I remember about MCC and a special friend I remember from college. Thanks.

Effingham, Ill., been through there countless times myself, I always remember my siser was born there back in '59. Enjoy your posts!

Tim Mays