Sunday, September 14, 2008

Something Beautiful

I have always loved hands.
And I am eagerly awating the day when I can have the beautiful hands that old ladies have.
There is something so comforting and so beautiful about the hands of an old woman.
I could look at them all day.
And judging on the number of pictures I found when I hit up google looking for something to illustrate this little entry, I am not the only person who feels this way.


Jared Cramer said...

I don't know if you remember, but several years ago I posted the poem "God Went to Beauty School" which talks about God's obsession with hands. I searched for it on my blog, found it, and was surprised to see that even back then I thought you would like it.

Kari said...

Jared! I totally remember that!
I mean, I had forgotten until you reminded me. . .but I remember!

That poem was so cool!
And it's even cooler how you thought of it twice!