Monday, January 02, 2006

On Prayer. And Husbands.

Tonight Drew and I were driving back from coffee and said his dad asked him if he prayed for his future wife.

Now, I've heard many people talk about how they pray for good Christian spouses for their children. And how people pray for their future mate every day. But quite honestly the thought never actually occurred to me. It never occured to me to be praying for a man I don't know yet. Or who hasn't actually entered that role in my life.

I pretty much avoid the possibility that people I know could be my future husband. Or that somebody I meet one of these days could be him. But I guess just beause I don't want to be married or dating right now isn't a reason to not pray for any of them.

So I decided that maybe that's something I should start doing. Because I think I'd hope that he's praying for me.


Anonymous said...

i prayed for todd way before i was married (inspired by joshua harris), and i recently found out that my mom had been praying for many years that when i met the man i was supposed to marry, i would know instantly--and i did. it's cool that God gives us the things we need...and it's cool that prayers can be answered years after they are prayed.
and if you want to pray for your husband, his name is carl and he's very excited to meet you:-)

Kari said...


I love you, Kara!

Kitty Kat said...

How do you know his name is carl? What do you think is the most effective prayer? What about in the bible when it says it is better for a man to stay unmarried? (I am sorry I forget exactly where, I think its corinthians).