Tuesday, June 07, 2005

It feels pretty soft to me.

If life's not beautiful without the pain, well than I would rather never ever even see beauty again

That's a line from a song that I really really like. And It's my favorite line. But I don't think I think like that. So why it's my favorite line of the song, I couldn't tell you.

I had a boyfriend once, when I was in high school and my first year of college. He didn't treat me terribly well sometimes. (In all fairness, I probably wasn't as nice as I should have been to him.) But last night I dreamed about him, and I don' t think I like it when that happens, becasue it sortof scares me that I dream about being happy with somebody who made me so sad for so long.

So I think that saying you'd rather never see beauty again if it meant that you wouldn't have any more pain is kindof like selling your soul to the Devil in a way. Like cutting a deal. Being pain free isn't a good deal, in my opinion. Because it kindof reminds me of being calloused.
So maybe if I gave up everything ever that was beautiful, only so I couldn't ever feel pain again I would probably be missing out on more than just being hurt. God is beautiful, and Love is beautiful. Grass and bears and cake and moms and babies. Those are all beauty. Can you imagine how dull your life would be i you couldn't feel anything? I imagine it would be pretty empty.

Maybe it's my favorite line because it reminds me that life is beautiful, and that pain is something we need to happen so we can keep the rest of our senses in tact.

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